CHOCOLATE MACARONS #desserts #cookies

CHOCOLATE MACARONS #desserts #cookies

Today we are keeping it essential, with these Chocolate Macarons. What's more, I when I state keeping it fundamental, obviously I mean keeping it BASICally AWESOME!

They are overly straightforward, simple Chocolate Macarons. The chocolate macaron shells are just my top choice! I just got this new silicone tangle, and I completely love the manner in which it heated my macarons. So far superior to material paper.

These are some rich chocolate macarons, with a dim and liberal filling. Appreciate this nitty gritty formula to make your preferred sans gluten treats!


CHOCOLATE MACARONS #desserts #cookies

Chocolate Macaron Shells

  • 3  egg whites 100 grams 3.5 oz
  • 1/2  cup  white sugar 100 grams 3.5 oz
  • 1  cup  almond flour 96 grams 3.4 oz
  • 1/2  cup  plus 2 tablespoons powdered sugar 75 grams 2.64 oz
  • 2 1/2  tablespoons  cocoa powder 14 grams 0.8 oz

Rich Chocolate Frosting

  1. 5 tablespoons unsalted butter
  2. 1/3 cup cocoa powder
  3. 2 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  4. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  5. 2-4 tablespoons milk

Chocolate Macaron Shells

  1. Before you start, get all of your ingredients ready. Prepare a large piping bag, fitted with a large round tip.
  2. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or silicon mat.
  3. Under my parchment, I put a layout with circles that measure about 1 1/2 inches each. That’s how big I like to pipe my macarons.
  4. Measure out all of your ingredients.
  5. Sift powdered sugar, almond flour, and cocoa powder together. Set aside.
  6. Now you can finally start.
  7. Place egg whites and granulated sugar in a heat proof bowl or in a double boiler. Over a pan of simmering water, whisk the whites and sugar until frothy and sugar completely melted. It will take a couple minutes.
  8. Make sure the bottom of the bowl isn’t touching the simmering water.
  9. Transfer mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer. (I use my kitchenAid bowl when doing this, because it makes it easier)
  10. With the whisk attachment, whisk mixture on high speed for a few minutes until stiff peaks are formed.
  11. Best way to check this is to keep your eye on the whites. Once they get glossy and you start seeing streaks formed by the whisk, it might be time to stop.
  12. You don’t want to overbeat the mixture at this point, because you don’t want to add too much air to it. Just whisk until stiff peaks have formed.
  13. Pour powdered sugar and almond flour into stiff whites.
  14. Start folding gently forming a letter J with a spatula.
  15. It’s time to stop folding when the batter is glossy and has a thick and flowing consistency. There are several ways to test this, and you might have to have a couple failed batches before you get this right.
  16. First, I pick up some batter with my spatula and try to form a figure 8. If the 8 forms without the batter breaking up, that’s one indication that it might be ready.
  17. Then, I grab a teaspoon of batter and spoon onto my parchment paper or silicon mat.
  18. If the batter stays stiff and doesn’t spread out a bit, I start folding a little bit more, about 3 folds.
  19. Test again.
  20. Once the batter spreads out a bit and starts to look glossy on the parchment paper, I transfer my mixture to the piping bag.
  21. You don’t want your batter to be too runny either. So be careful not to overmix. It’s always best to undermix and test several times until the proper consistency has been achieved.
  22. This is the most important part about making macarons in my opinion.
  23. Once you’ve piped as many 1 1/2” circles as you could, bang the trays against the counter a few times each. This will release air bubbles that are in the batter and prevent your macaron shells from cracking.
  24. Let your trays sit for a while so the shells will dry out a little bit. I usually leave about 20-40 minutes, depending on how humid the day is. You’ll know they’re ready when you gently touch the surface of a macaron and it seems dry.
  25. Pre-heat the oven to 325F.
  26. Bake one tray at a time.
  27. Bake for 4 minutes, rotate tray.
  28. Bake for 4 more minutes, check if it needs to be rotated again. You will know if it needs to be rotated again depending on how the macarons are baking. Take a look at them, if one side seems taller then the other, maybe you have to rotate the tray again.
  29. Bake for around 4 more minutes or so. I would say I bake for a total of 18-20 minutes.
  30. When baked, the macarons will have a deeper color and formed feet. And they will peel off the tray easily.
  31. Remove from the oven and bake the other tray.
  32. Let the macarons cool down before proceeding with the filling.

Rich Chocolate Frosting

  1. Start by sifting the powdered sugar, and cocoa powder in a small bowl. Set aside.
  2. Add softened butter to the mixer bowl, and cream on medium-high speed for 1 minute.
  3. With the mixer off, add powdered sugar, and cocoa powder sifted mixture.
  4. Mix on low until dry ingredients are incorporated with the butter.
  5. Raise speed to medium-high, and cream from 30 -60 seconds, until smooth.
  6. Add vanilla and mix.
  7. Add milk if necessary for consistency.
  8. Frosting should be smooth, thick, not too stiff. Add more milk if the frosting is too stiff, and add more powdered sugar if your frosting is too runny and you went overboard with the milk.
  9. Always remember the a little bit of liquid here goes a long way, so you don’t want to be adding too much milk to your frosting.
To assemble
  1. Place frosting in a piping bag and pipe on top of half of the macarons. Top with another macaron.
  1. Keep it in the fridge for up to 4 days, and in the freezer for up to 1-2 month. Make sure to package macarons really well in an air tight container to place it in the fridge.

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