These Low Carb Tortillas are a distinct advantage for us. Furthermore, certainly part of The Diet That Changed My Life. Indeed, hand crafted tortillas can be tedious, however they are just 1g net carb per tortilla!
When you get a happy with making them on your own you will whip them out in a matter of seconds by any means. I made a senseless little video in my kitchen making these tortillas for you to perceive how simple these can be.
Contrasted with the locally acquired forms on the basic food item rack at 6g net carb per serving these low carb tortillas have just 1g net carb each. Lower carbs per tortilla makes it simpler to meet your macros and appreciate the fat and protein. These Low Carb Tortillas will remain new in your refrigerator for as long as seven days when you enclose them by a paper towel and afterward place in a ziploc sack.
Also Try Our Recipe : Chocolate Steel Cut Oats (gluten-free, dairy-free option)

- ⅓ cup coconut flour
- 1 ½ cup egg whites liquid
- ¼ tsp baking powder
- ½ cup water to thin
- coconut oil spray
- Necessary tools
- 7 ” non-stick fry pan
- Spray pan with cooking spray and set over medium heat. Quickly mix together all ingredients. Mixture should be watery.
- While holding the handle of the small fry pan, pour in about ¼ cup of the watery mixture into the center of the pan and swirl pan handle to coat entire bottom of the fry pan with the mixture. Let cook 2-3 minutes on medium heat.
- With a silicone spatula gently lift all around the edges of the tortilla to loosen from the pan. The center of the tortilla may still seem wet…let it continue to cook while watching. Do not force the tortilla up from the pan.
- Eventually the tortilla will be ready and as you slide the spatula under the tortilla it will slide around enough to almost spin around in the pan…this is when you will take the spatula and flip the tortilla to cook the other side. You want some gentle browning on both sides, so you may want to flip it back and forth until you reach desired doneness.
- Use as a you would a small tortilla or small wrap.
For More Details : bit.ly/36cpxhh
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