Leche Flan is velvety, rich, and smooth with brilliant caramel. This great Filipino custard treat is anything but difficult to make and sure to be swarm top choice.
Leche Flan is the Filipino rendition of creme caramel. It is a sweet dish customarily filled in as treat at gatherings, holidays, and other extraordinary events. It is additionally normally utilized as fixing for shaved ice, for example, corona radiance or in different treats, for example, skimming island or graham de leche.
This great pastry is made with a layer of caramelized sugar and a custard blend of egg yolks, dissipated milk, and consolidated milk. Vanilla concentrate and key lime or calamansi pizzazz are additionally regularly added to light up flavor and slice through the wealth of the pastry.
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- 9 tablespoons sugar
- 12 egg yolks, from large eggs
- 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk
- 1 can (12 ounces) evaporated milk
- Place 3 tablespoons of sugar in each of the three llaneras.
- Set llanera on the stove over low heat and using tongs, move repeatedly over flames until sugar is melted and turns into a golden liquid.
- Continuously tilt and swirl the llanera to ensure even melting and to distribute the liquid on the bottom of the mold. Remo
- Remove from heat and allow caramel to cool and harden. Repeat the process with the remaining llanera.
- In a bowl, combine egg yolks and condensed milk. Whisk to combine.
- Add evaporated milk, gently stirring in a circular motion until blended.
- Using a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve, strain egg-milk mixture to remove stray egg whites.
- Pour mixture into prepared llaneras and cover tighly with foil Arrange in a a wide, oven-safe dish with about 1-inch of water (bain marie or water bath)..
- Bake in a 375 F oven for about 50 minutes to 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of custard comes out clean.
- Remove from oven, allow to cool, and refrigerate to chill and completely set. To serve, turn flan over on a serving plate, ending with caramel on top.
For More Details : bit.ly/2Tg55qA
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